Monday, July 1, 2013

Typical Day at the Octagon House Museum

I usually arrive at the Octagon House  Museum at 8:30 AM.  I am always the first one to arrive at the museum, here even before my boss arrives.  I start the coffee and tea for everyone.  I look at the list of past American Institute Architect Scholarship recipients and look them up on the internet.  At the museum, we do not have any of the recipients’ contact information.  I search for them on linkedin to see where they are employed.  Once I find them, I contact them to see if they would be willing to be interviewed.  If they agree to be interviewed, I set a date and a time to call for their interview.  I ask if they would agree for the interview to be recorded.  During the interview I inquire about their careers and how the scholarship helped them through school.  After I finish with the interview, I listen to the recording of the interview, and transcribe it.  Once in a while, I write press releases for the Octagon House Museum.  The communication team, of which I am a part, updates the social media accounts daily, and comes up with new ideas to post on the sites. 

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